- Create partitions to use for ASM using "fdisk" command
- #fdisk /dev/sda
- #fdisk -l /dev/sda
- Create ASM disks using the partitions we created in the above step.
- #/etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk VOL1 /dev/sda1
- #/etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk VOL2 /dev/sda2
- Scan for the ASM disks
- #/etc/init.d/oracleasm scandisks
- List the ASM disks
- #/etc/init.d/oracleasm listdisks
- To create ASM CSSD process must be up and running.
- #$ORACLE_HOME/bin/localconfig all
- #ps -ef|grep -i css
- Create admin directories for ASM instance.
- mkdir -p $ORACLE_BASE/admin/+ASM/bdump
- mkdir -p $ORACLE_BASE/admin/+ASM/cdump
- mkdir -p $ORACLE_BASE/admin/+ASM/hdump
- mkdir -p $ORACLE_BASE/admin/+ASM/pfile
- mkdir -p $ORACLE_BASE/admin/+ASM/udump
- Create pfile(init+ASM.ora) using the below parameters
- background_dump_dest=/u01/app/oracle/admin/+ASM/bdump
- core_dump_dest=/u01/app/oracle/admin/+ASM/cdump
- user_dump_dest=/u01/app/oracle/admin/+ASM/udump
- Instance_name=+ASM
- instance_type=asm
- compatible=10.2.0
- large_pool_size=20M
- remote_login_passwordfile=exclusive
- Start the ASM instance
- Sqlplus / as sysdba
- Sql>Startup
- Create spfile for the ASM instance.
- Sql>create spfile='$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfile+ASM.ora' from pfile='$ORACLE_HOME/init+ASM.ora';
- Shutdown immediate
- Startup the instance using the spfile.